La Mortalité Infantile : Une terrible réalité

la mortalité infantile dans le monde et au Cameroun : une terrible réalité


Infant mortality is much more than just a statistic. It represents the loss of innocent lives, and confronts us with the harsh reality of the suffering of children and their families. Every day, every 5 seconds, a child aged between 0 and 14 loses his or her life, according to World Bank figures. It's a truth that shakes us, a silent cry to which we cannot remain indifferent.

a gruesome comparison

Let's try to imagine the scale of this tragedy by comparing it to a significant event in our history: during the Second World War, which lasted six long years, an estimated 60 million lives were lost.

Now consider this: In the last six years (2016-2021), we've lost 37.9 Million children, and if we refer to the period 1990-1996, that's 94.8 Million children under the age of 14 who succumbed, one and a half times the total number of deaths in the 1939-1945 war.

causes of death

What makes this reality even more upsetting is that many deaths could have been avoided. The most frequent causes of this mortality are unjust: Malnutrition, lack of pre- and post-natal care, diseases such as pneumonia, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, malaria, HIV. Many of these pathologies could have been treated to avoid serious complications.

Les visages de l'injustice

The injustice is reflected in the figures and statistics. UNICEF estimates that almost 50% of deaths among children under 5 occur in sub-Saharan Africa. South-East Asia is not spared, with 30% of deaths. Millions of young lives interrupted, smiles extinguished, dreams shattered.

une lueur d'espoir ?

The figures show a positive trend for all age groups. Infant mortality worldwide fell by 60% between 1990 and 2021. This is a sign of hope, proof that our efforts can make a difference.

cameroon: an urgent battle

Guaranteeing children's health is a major challenge for Cameroon's health authorities. As the graph above shows, children under 5 are terribly vulnerable. The number of deaths between 1990 and 2021 fell by just 1.28%. On the other hand, it fell by 24% between 2000 and 2021.

Should we be overwhelmed by these figures?

While it is tragic to see the loss of so many of our children, these figures need to be put into perspective. Cameroon's population jumped by 138% over the same period, and the number of children aged 0-14 increased by 118%.

education and empowerment: breaking the cycle of child mortality

While infant mortality in urban areas is tending to fall thanks to the combined efforts of the government and international programs, the same cannot be said of rural areas. Mortality there is 50% higher. Education plays a central role in breaking this cycle. There is a correlation between parental awareness and child survival. By educating parents and caregivers alike about essential health care practices, the warning signs of illness and the importance of consulting a doctor, we can save many young lives.

international cooperation: Building partnerships for change

The global challenge of combating infant mortality underscores the importance of Cameroonian cooperation, involving not only the Ministry of Health but also 10 other ministries and international agencies such as the UN, WHO and UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund). A Salon International de la Maternité et de la Petite Enfance (SIMAPE) was held in Yaoundé from May 26 to June 3, 2023.

The modernization and development of micro-structures and family planning services is at the heart of a vast, long-term action plan.

Our action?

En tant que membres de l’Association Filles et Fils de Cœur de Mama Aicha (FFCA), il nous est apparu primordial d’aider les maternités, les dispensaires en leur fournissant du matériel de première nécessité tel que le matériel médical, les médicaments essentiels et des fournitures de base comme les gants, les moustiquaires, des matelas convenables etc. 

Remember that behind every statistic lies a precious life, a child who deserves to flourish. Together, let's unite in our determination to break the chains of child mortality. Help us save our children and give them a better future.

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