Orphans in Cameroon

les orphelins au Cameroun

What is an orphan?

Orphans are children who have lost either their father or their mother: they are called single orphans, or both parents: They are called double orphans.

In Europe

En France, par exemple, les orphelinats sont apparus au début du XIXème  . Il faut toutefois se souvenir d’un développement peu glorieux de ces institutions pendant la révolution industrielle : Les industriels et les investisseurs créèrent, à leur profit, de nombreux établissements qui n’étaient ni plus ni moins que des « réservoirs de main d’œuvre peu couteuse ». Le terme orphelinat a peu à peu cédé la place aux pouponières, foyers de l’enfance, villages d’enfants, lieux de vie et d’accueil. Les établissement sont tenus par des associations à but non lucratif, des fondations recevant des dons et des subventions de l’état. Leur action est très encadrée par la loi.

En afrique

In Africa, this phenomenon has become widespread, challenging the long tradition of the extended family. An African proverb says: "For a child to grow up, it takes a whole village.

The "entrustment" or placement of children is a common practice. Many children do not live with their biological parents. Colonialism, the socio-economic context, conflicts and rapid urbanisation have profoundly changed the situation. It is poverty, not the absence of people to take care of children, that leads families or individuals to place them, temporarily or permanently, in orphanages.

In Cameroon

There are not enough orphanages in Cameroon; some can accommodate up to 50 children, but not all of them can provide food, medical support and a full education for their children. Their source of income remains modest and comes mainly from private donations. The situation of the children is very critical. It is estimated that there are more than 2 million of them.

1) Children abandoned at birth due to:

  • Maternal mortality is unfortunately too frequent (780/100,000) Ministry of Health (2014)
  • sexual abuse of 15-19 year old girls (22% rape, 60% sexual violence) (ACESF-CA Report)
  • A physical or mental disability.

2) Children whose parents have been victims of AIDS (estimated 390,000 in 2020) ILO Report Art 7 paragraph 2

3) Children whose parents are victims of boko haram abuses.

4) Children who are refugees or displaced by instability in neighbouring regions and countries.

5) Children from poor or very poor families temporarily abandoned.

One of the missions of Daughters and Sons of the Heart of Mama Aïcha is to help improve the care of orphans by trying to cover their basic needs as best as possible: Drinking, eating, schooling... Dreaming of something better?

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